The visual storytelling industry in Indonesia has yet to achieve economic democracy, with creators facing obstacles in securing financing and pursuing personal projects.
To tackle this issue and promote greater independence and equity in the field, Berbahaya Network was formed as a cooperative platform.
Berbahaya Network
Berbahaya Network is a unique cooperative enterprise comprising a team of highly skilled and multidisciplinary visual communications experts.
Our organization is firmly committed to upholding ethical values and fostering mutual cooperation, providing a collaborative space in which creative practitioners can flourish and attain economic independence in Indonesia.
Keputusan Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia
Nomor AHU-0004698.AH.01.29.TAHUN 2022
Pengesahan Pendirian Badan Hukum
Koperasi Jasa Bersama Berbagi Berusaha Berkarya
NIB: 1210220054868
Headquarter : Jl. Swasa Raya No. 4. Kelapa Dua, Tangerang, Banten 15811 – T. +62 815 8733 861
Business : Wanispace. Jl.Intan/RSPP Utara No3a, Cilandak Barat., Daerah Khusus Jakarta 12430